Get Pumped up about your finances

5 Things You Can Do to Lower Your Expenses

If you do the things listed below, You will start to notice extra money you have. It will be like getting a raise. So use these ideas and you are starting down the right path.

#1  Get your coffee and food and drink and all that stuff at the grocery store. Make it at home and bring it with you wherever you go. You don’t know the untold amount of dollars and cents that you’re wasting by going to the convenience store or to gas station and the coffee shop to buy that donut and coffee and soda. Buying all that stuff on the way to work is costing you tons of money. If you save $5 a day by bringing your lunch and break from home five days a week you will be saving $20 per week or over $80 per month. That is a lot of savings to start your emergency fund with.savings

#2  Rate shop for insurance. That’s right people get an insurance policy for their car and home or whatever and then they’ll just keep the same policy year after year after year. The company raises the rates each year and people think nothing of it. It’s a great company they say. But if they were to rate shop, they may find they can save $100’s per year just by changing companies.

#3  Cancel un-used subscriptions and memberships. Yes, a lot of people carry memberships, gym memberships, music memberships, movie memberships and things like that that come with a monthly fee and then they only use the things like once or twice, if ever. So people literally pay for a gym membership that they never go to. You know, you actually have to go to the gym to get into shape. Just having a membership won’t do it. So cancel them now.

Think Before you Spend

#4  Cut the cable. Cutting the cable does not mean doing without your favorite programs. It means getting rid of the ones you do not need. Why pay over $200 per month for 1000’s of channels you will never watch. You can’t possibly watch. You can get an internet service and a streaming service and stream your tv shows and movies. There are plenty of streaming services out there that will allow you to still watch what you want to. But at a much cheaper cost. Cut the cable and start saving $100 per month or more.

#5 Move to a less expensive place. That’s right, move. A lot of people live in a house, live in a place that is really above their means and they don’t really need. If you can move to a place that is $100-$300 less a month, that’s a huge savings right there. You can probably get a place that is close to the same quality in a similar area and save tons of cash.

If you decide to make a difference in your life, start with these ideas. You will thank yourself down the road and also remove a ton of anxiety in the process.

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