5 Things You Can Do to Lower Your Expenses

If you do the things listed below, You will start to notice extra money you have. It will be like getting a raise. So use these ideas and you are starting down the right path. #1  Get your coffee and food and drink and all that stuff at the grocery store. Make it at home and bring it with you wherever you go. You don't know the untold amount of dollars and cents that you're wasting by going to the convenience store or to gas station and the coffee shop to buy that donut and coffee and soda. Buying all that stuff on the way to work is costing you tons of money. If you save $5 a day by bringing your lunch and break from home...

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5 Things to Know About Your Finances

#1 You are not alone. A lot of people have overwhelming financial obligations. A lot of people don't manage their money correctly and many, many people wish they had done things differently and saved better. So, do not worry, you are not alone. #2 Short-term problems to translate to long-term failure. Obstacles are in the way of everybody it's a matter of how you get past those obstacles that decides what happens in your situation so don't let small short time problems affect your long-term goals. #3 Your financial situation can change. Determine areas where you're wasting money and spending money that you don't necessarily need to be spending. Find places that you can spend...

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How do I View/Edit budget transactions?

Be sure you are signed into the Mazuma Pro app. (1) Press on the 3 horizontal line main menu button in the top left corner. (2) Find "Transactions" on the menu list and press it. This will take you to the "Transactions" screen. This is the transaction screen where you can scroll up and down to view all your transactions. From this screen, you can select a transaction and edit some of the details and attach it to a budget...

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How do I edit a budget item?

If you have a budget item you have already entered and it needs to change, you can do the following to change or edit it. Be sure you are signed-in to the app. (1) If you are not on the budget items screen, press the 3 horizontal line menu button in the top left corner. (2) Press on "Budget Items" in the main menu that slides out. (3) you will be taken to the "Budget items" screen that shows the list of items you have in your budget. (As seen below)

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Note pad with monthly budget items written on it

How do I add a budget item into Mazuma Pro?

Make sure you are signed in to the app. (1) If you are not on the "Budget Items" screen, Press the 3-line horizontal menu button in the top left corner of the screen to bring up the main Mazuma Pro menu. It doesn't matter which screen you are currently on. (2) After the main menu slides out, press on "Budget Items" in the menu list. (3) You will be directed to the Add/Edit Budget items screen as shown below. From here, you can start adding budget items. (4) Press in the "Budget Item Name"...

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How do I setup a new Mazuma Pro budget account?

Download the Mazuma Pro app from the Google Play Store or from Apple I-Tunes.Open the Mazuma Pro app by selecting the apps Icon.When the App opens, Press "Next" to continue. (See screenshot below) 4. Press on the words "Signup now" to sign up for a new account. 5. Fill in the requested information to set-up an account and then press "Done". (See screenshot below) 6. Once you have finished filling out the form and you select "Done", you will be taken to the Budget Items screen to start setting up your budget. (See screenshot below) 7. Your Mazuma Pro account...

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Should I Start (or continue) a Personal Budget?

Deciding to start a personal budget is much like other vises in life. It is hard to start; it is hard to continue; and it is hard to maintain, for a long length of time. YOU must decide what the plan is for your money and then, ACT on it. Starting and running a personal budget requires time and a very good attention to detail. If you stop budgeting for a month or 2, then it takes even more time and effort to "catch" back up to where you were at. There are a ton of numbers and they must match exactly. If you miss by only a digit or two, it could cost you hours to figure out where the problem is. But without...

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What is a Personal Financial Budget?

budget –   noun. An estimate of income and expenses over a set period of time. “I am going to stay within my personal budget”.     Verb. To allow or provide a particular amount of money in a budget. “I am budgeting for my future goals and dreams”. Let me add another definition for you; budget –   noun. A plan for your money. “I am going to budget for a new car in 3 years”. A budget is simply a plan for your money. The more detailed the plan (budget), the more likely you are to achieve your financial goals and dreams. Chances are, you will live a long life and you will need money the whole time. It’s time to make a plan for those needs and start your journey toward your...

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